“In a representative democracy, all voices should be heard. Jess brings so much to this race: their lived experience of homelessness, a strong sense of justice, and a deep understanding of how Council decisions impact people who are rarely represented in office. I support their campaign and would be proud to work alongside them on the many issues we face as a City.” – Kate Sykes, Portland city councilor, District 5
“I am thrilled to endorse Jess Falero for the at-large City Council seat in Portland. Jess brings a vital and unique perspective to the table, shaped by their lived experiences with some of the very issues our city is grappling with. I believe that having a voice like Jess’s on the Council would be invaluable as we work to create a more inclusive and responsive city government.” – Roberto Rodriguez, Portland city councilor at-large

“Jess is a bold advocate for dignity and human rights and brings a diverse and unrepresented perspective, and the city needs such new, young, courageous leaders like Jess.” – Anna Trevorrow, Portland city councilor, District 1
“Jess Falero is a hard working and brilliant activist who will bring the type of lived experience that Maine needs in political circles. Jess has actually experienced some of the battles that city government seeks to alleviate, which means that Jess’s voice is a vital one for Portland City Council. I am very proud to support Jess for this seat.” – State Rep. Nina Milliken

“I believe Jess Falero is the right person at the right time for Portland City Council. As we face rapidly changing circumstances in our Maine communities, we need leadership that brings people together with realism and hope. Jess is a focused, goal-oriented community builder with a drive to effect positive systemic change. Their ongoing advocacy and dedication to important core issues such as the climate crisis and housing crisis demonstrates a fearless ability to tackle the issues that truly matter and will be central to our well being in the coming decades. Please vote Jess Falero for Portland City Council for representation that will make a difference.” – April Caricchio, former South Portland city councilor
“As someone who always supports people with lived experience running for office, endorsing Jess Falero for Portland city council at large was an easy decision. Jess is not just a community organizer and a person with lived experiences; they are a leader who listens more than they speak and treats everyone with kindness.” – Courtney Gary Allen, Augusta City Councilor at-Large

“Jess Falero possesses the ambition, empathy, and courage to serve the public of Portland on City Council. They’ve proven over years of hard work and engagement that a younger, educated perspective is not only necessary, but crucial to facing the Council’s impending challenges. Without a doubt, a vote for Falero is a commitment to positive action in Portland’s future.” – Travis Curran, Former council and mayoral candidate
“Everyone benefits when every person in Portland has their needs met. Jess has dedicated their life’s work to ensuring exactly that. They are a tireless advocate who lifts others up and amplifies the voices of those on the margins. Jess is exactly who Portland needs in city council right now.” – Ambureen Rana, Bangor State Representative

“My name is Micheal Fletcher; I live in Portland and I proudly endorse Jess Falero for City Council-at-Large. I have known Jess for a number of years now as a colleague and as a friend. In that time I have watched Jess tackle massive projects with grace and broad analysis through their work advocating for the rights of the oppressed; to working towards solutions to climate issues and everything in-between. Jess is a powerful force in the community around a broad spectrum of issues that face us here in Portland. I can say with everything I have that Jess is the right candidate to make the change and forward motion that Portland needs.”
“Jess Falero represents exactly the type of leadership we need in Maine. Bringing folks like us, those with lived experience, to the policymaking table is the key to solving many of our communities’ struggles.” – Charlotte Warren, Former Mayor and State Representative of Hallowell, ME