Voter information

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Polls in Portland are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All polling locations are accessible to people with disabilities.

Can I vote for Jess? Jess is running for an at-large seat, meaning any resident of Portland can vote for Jess.

How do I vote for Jess? The at-large race will be decided by ranked-choice voting. That means voters can rank the candidates in order of preference. The best way to vote for Jess is to rank Jess Falero as Number 1 on your ballot. You can then rank the other candidates, or leave the rest blank, as you see fit.

How do I register to vote? To vote, you must be registered. You can register at the polls on Election Day, but there are often long lines, so it’s probably better to get this done early. You can register by mail, online, or by going in person to the City Clerk’s office. You’ll need proof of your identity and residency, such as a driver’s license, utility bill, bank statement or pay stub – something that shows who you are and where you live. More about registration on the City Clerk’s web page.

Where do I vote? If you vote in person, you must go to the polling place assigned to your address. Find your polling place.

Do I have to vote in person? You do not have to go to the polls on Election Day. You may vote absentee before Nov. 5 either in person at the City Clerk’s office or by requesting an absentee ballot be mailed to you. (This will be available later in the summer.) You can mail your ballot back or drop it off at City Hall or the Public Works building on Canco Street. More about absentee voting here.

What is this ranked-choice business? It’s a system for counting votes that allows voters more of a voice by letting them rank all the candidates instead of picking just one. This video has a good explanation:

How can I help Jess win? Portland residents can send $5 donations in support of Jess Falero here.

You can also be part of the street team and spread the word about Jess’s candidacy and ideas! Email us to get on board.